Monday, October 29, 2007

What's in your Pear Tree?

"In a Pear Tree"
Oil on Board, 11x14

This a new painting - still wet actually. Signed it today. I wonder if I am finished? An artist signs the painting when they want it to be finished - not necessarily when it is. I'll give it a couple of days to see.


Oil on Board, 5x7

This is a shell I picked up on the beach in Africa. I was there visiting my father in 1980.
Here's a little more info on the shell: Alikreukel, also known as the giant periwinkle, common name for a large marine snail that inhabits shallow waters around the coast of southern Africa. The alikreukel is a large, rounded snail with a predominantly black shell. Old shells left in the sun lose their black outer layer to expose the beautiful mother-of-pearl underneath.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Painting Lake Murray

"Rolling In"
Oil on Canvas
click to enlarge

"Clear as a Bell"
Oil on Canvas
click to enlarge

Hi All. I am getting ready for a really nice show on November 3. One of my patrons is hosting a show for me at her lake home - and she's a gourmet. Should be fun!! Here are a couple that I have recently completed in preparation for that show.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Saluda Sunday

"Falling for the Saluda"
Oil on Canvas, 12x16
click to enlarge

Here I am at Saluda Shoals Park this past Sunday.
The weather is perfect for painting "en plein air."
I hope to do more of it in my spare time! Ha!
It feels so good to paint outside.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

White on White

"White on White" demo
Oil on Canvas, 8x8
Collection of Laura Schoonover
My students challenged me to teach them about painting white objects. I enjoyed doing this little painting for them. To see more about what we do at Corley Mill Art Studio, check out the website. The link is to the right.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Fair Weather Paintings

"A Slice of the Saluda"
Oil on Canvas, 25x8, Gallery Wrap

Oil on Canvas, 21x8.5, Gallery Wrap

What a gift from the Saluda Shoals Foundation. Artists were invited last Sunday to come to Saluda Shoals Park to create art for the public. There were many artists participating and many folks came out to watch. It was a great day for painting. I had so much fun that I went back on Monday and painted "Riverbank." Look for me out there again on Sunday too. I will be somewhere on Rawls Creek. Catch me if you can!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Oh, I have been painting too.

Two Pear
Oil on Board

Back from Atalaya Art Festival

Atalaya Art Festival

Atalaya Castle at Huntington Beach State Park
built by Archer and Anna Hyatt Huntington
founders of Brookgreen Gardens

They put artists in each of the rooms
and throughout the courtyard.
Here's our booth.

It was a great trip. Each morning I walked through the marsh.

and the beach. Got LOTS of good subject matter to paint.
We look forward to going back again next year.