Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

Pastel on Paper
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all. I hope that you spend your time with those you love the most. Thank you so much for viewing my blog this year and all the wonderful comments.

Almost Grown

"Almost Grown"

18x24 Oil on Linen

Click image to Enlarge

Here's what I have been working on. It was such a delight. This portrait is a gift to my eldest nephew, AJ. I hope he likes it as much as I liked painting it for him.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Me and My Shadow

"Me and My Shadow"
Commission for Laura Schwabel

I had great fun painting this memory for Laura. This is a painting her sister and her in their annual Summer attire: bikinis and keds. It's a Christmas gift for her Mom.......ssh.

Carolina Moon

"Carolina Moon"
Oil, 24x36
Here's my latest large painting. My Aunt and I went riding around at dusk, and this moon just begged to be a painting! It was a challenge to get the light just right to create the atmosphere of dusk with a moon rising.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Juicy Fruit? You be the judge!

Oil, 6x6
Well, is a tomato a fruit? I don't dice them into my fruit salad....
What I know is that you can't beat homegrown! Here are my last ones of the summer.
Happy Fall everyone.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Lake Murray Sunset

Been out of town a lot lately. Here's one I have been working on between trips.

"Lake Murray Sunset," Oil on Canvas, 11x14

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


This painting is dedicated to Don and Donna Rozier, who grow THE best tomatoes. Thank you!

"Homegrown," 5x7, Oil on Panel

Art Camp

Art camp was a complete success this year. We started with funny faces....

Then got down to the business of creating visual communication! The kids really know how to speak the language!

We had a bunch of fun!

And, of course, terrific art was created. Each student went home with a pile of great new work.

We Started with Funny Faces....

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Pucker Up

Here's the latest in my "Juicy Fruit" series. I love painting lemons. It is the only time I can paint with yelllow straight out of the tube! Both are 6x6 oils.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Feeling Peachy

Some say Georgia has the best peaches. I guess they have never tried a South Carolina Peach! They have been especially good this year. Here are a couple peach paintings. Both 6x6 Oils.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Lake Murray Blues

The 80808 Opening was a complete success. The show will be up for 3 weeks, so if possible, please drop by and see all the terrific work.
Gallery 80808, 808 Lady Street, Columbia, SC

Here's my latest painting.

"Lake Murray Blues," Oil on Linen, 11x14

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

80808 on 80808

David Yaghjian has his party hat ready!
See his work behind him??

Once in a millennium: PARTY like it's 8.08.08!
80808 on 80808
Gallery80808/Vista Studios
DATE: Friday August 8
TIME: 8:08 AM to 8:08 PM
LOCATION: 808 Lady Street

ART RECEPTION: 5:08 - 8:08Featuring:Columbia City Jazz at 4:08Poetry by Ed Madden at 5:08Tuba IV at 6:08Guitar & harmonica by Michael Hart at 7:08

Art by Bob Allison, Anne Bjork, Tyler Anne Blanton, Ethel Brody, Pat Callahan, Stephen Chesley, Heidi Darr-Hope, Charlie Dillingham, Jeff Donovan, Pat Gilmartin, Jeanette Grassi, Tonya Gregg, Christiana James, Robert Kennedy, Susan Lenz, Sharon Licata, Michel McNinch, Richard Morgan, Gene Speer, Laura Spong, Christian Thee, Brent Wahl, Mike Williams, David Yaghjian, and Don Zurlo

Gallery80808/Vista Studios
808 Lady Street in Columbia, South Carolina 29201 (803) 252-6134For more information: VISIT OUR BLOG!

Gallery80808/Vista Studios 808 Lady Street Columbia SC 29201

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Vista Studios

I am delighted to be able to tell you that I am the new resident artist at Vista Studios. I am in Studio No. 12 and would love for you to visit! Robert and I have been busy cleaning and painting. Now I need to fill it up!

Getting Ready -

Been busy getting ready. I have 4 shows by the end of September! Here are a few of the new paintings. You can also see some new things at my "What's on the Easel" page on my website.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Feeling Cocky?!

Having a bit of fun with color and personality in these friendly little guys. Hope you like them. They are all 10x10 oils.

The Colonel


Mr. Cluck



Wednesday, July 2, 2008

I-81 Series - next four

Here are the next four paintings of my I-81 Series. I am really enjoying these little paintings. They are all 8x8 Oils.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

I've Been Everywhere - but here!

Hello All. I did my annual Piccolo Spoleto pilgrimage at the art exhibit in Marion Square. Seventeen days of art show and hot hot hot. Also, my 25th wedding anniversary was May 28 of this year. To celebrate, my husband, Robert, and I traveled to Washington DC and New York City. We then took a huge U-turn and came home via I-81 through PA and WV. It was a great trip; now I am at home painting again. I have been painting some of the beautiful mountain vistas along I-81. Take a look at the first ones. There are more to come.

I-81 Series , Valley

8x8, Oil

I-81 Series, Cloud
8x8 oil

I-81 Series, Barn
8x8 Oil

I-81 Series, Bald Mountain
8x8, Oil

Friday, April 11, 2008


Oil, 16x20
Thanks to my student, Linda, who came in with this great photo and allowed me to paint it. WooHoo. This one was fun.

Have Another Piece of Cake

"Peach Amaretto," 8x8 Oil on Canvas

Here's the latest in my "Sweet Series."

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Missy's Gift

This painting was a demo I did in class this week. I just loved the flowers and the opportunity to paint from life. My student, Missy, brought them. Thank you very much for a very good time.

"Missy's Gift"

Oil, 11x14
Click to Enlarge

A Cut Above

Here are two paintings that once were one. I was working on a large painting that didn't work. I cut it into pieces and saved the best bits and restretched them.

"On Top of Bald Mountain"
Oil, 16x20

"Mountain Pass"
Oil, 11x14