Sunday, March 30, 2008

Open Invitation

"Open Invitation"
Oil, 16x20
Here's a painting that took a long time! This image is from my Aunt Mary's house on Sullivan's Island. Everyone in her family has an open invitation to enjoy her home and her company.

How about some Cappuccino??

6x6 Oil

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Sweet Series

Here are four new paintings. Make your mouth water? I hope so.

They are all 8x8 oils. Click any to enlarge.

"Chocolate Temptation"

"Peanut Butter Pie"

"Carrot Cake"

"Strawberry Cake"

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Here's Some Good News

It's Official. I am recipient of the 2008 Fine Art Spirit of Achievement Award given by the South Carolina State Fair. I am so proud that they thought of me for this award, because it is given to those to inspire art in their community.

Here's the official link:

Monday, March 24, 2008

New and Old

"Fly By"
Oil on Linen, 16x20
Click to Enlarge

"Up the Creek"
Oil on Linen, 16x20
Click to Enlarge

Here are two paintings that I finished today. The first, "Fly By" is new. It is inspired by a flock of ibis that flew by me on the causeway at Huntington Beach State Park. The second is "Up the Creek" from a few posts back. However, I made slight revisions and wanted to post the final image.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Low Tide Wander

"Low Tide Wander"
12x16 Oil
Click to Enlarge

Here's the latest painting for the upcoming shows. I have been working on this a while. I glazed the entire thing a soft pink today (thinking of my friend Christie), and that is just what it needed.

Salley Girl

Stopping and smelling the roses a little today. I get caught up in what needs to be done for my upcoming shows (Calendar of Events). I painted for me today. This is Salley Girl. (p.s. She's not the one I tripped over.)

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Pucker Up

And suck it up. On Monday, I tripped over my cat on the stairs and wrenched my back. OOOOOOOWWWW. I have been flat on my back until today - Saturday. I am feeling much better. Thanks to all my friends for the calls, cards, and especially the food!! : ) I started these lemon sketches on Monday morning and have just finished them. When life gives you lemons....artists paint them! All are 5x7 and painted in oil.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Two More

Here's a couple more that I have just finished. These have been in the works for a while, and have just been completed. The subject matter is the view from the causeway at Huntington Beach State Park - which is across the highway from Brookgreen Gardens.

"Still Morning Marsh"

Oil, 24x36

"Huntington Morning"

Oil, 16x36

Monday, March 3, 2008

Take Two

"Creek Bank"
Oil on Linen

"Up the Creek"
Oil on Linen

Hi all. Steady painting getting ready for my next shows. I will have four shows in April and two in May. Check out my Calendar of Events.