"Fly Away Home"
Oil on Canvas, 24x36
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Here's a painting I did a while back but have not posted. I am doing inventories, handouts, and packing for all the upcoming Fall Shows. That keeps me from painting for a few days. This image is from a place I paint often: Station 26 in the Back on Sullivan's Island. One of my favorite places in the world. Will let you know how the shows go. I have a private reception this weekend, then Vista Lights November 15. I will be showing in two places during that gallery crawl: Nonnah's and Vista Studios.
Michael please let me know when you will be in the Vista. I would love to come and view more of your painting. I hope by posting your website it on stumbleupon that you will see an increase in people ordering your paintings. Thanks.
Sullivan's Island is my favorite beach site. It still has the tranquil aura that the other beaches have lost to the tourist trade.
Hey Sally - don't know how to email you back, so sure hope that this note reaches you. My husband is having hand surgery next week, so probably won't be in the studio next week. But the week after I will probably be there Monday, Tuesday, and Friday. Let me know what is best for you, and I will make sure to be there. You really know how to get the word out. SO MANY stumbleupon folks have stopped by my blog. No orders yet, but that's okay. I hope they are liking it, no comments so far but yours. 2 subscriptions though - counting yours.
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